Experience the grace and elegance of the Victorian Age with the art print "Distinguished Colored Men," published by A. Muller & Co., New York, circa 1883. This stunning print captures the regal bearing and refined style of a group of well-dressed men of color at a time when African Americans in the North emphasized their racial pride and celebrated their new citizenship status by decorating their homes with inspirational pictures of black life and accomplishment.
The "Distinguished Colored Men" print is a rare and unique piece of art that features portraits of 11 African American men, each captured in a formal pose that showcases their distinguished appearance. It celebrates notable African Americans showing head-and-shoulders portraits of Frederick Douglass, Robert Brown Elliott, Blanche K. Bruce, William Wells Brown, Md., Prof. R.T. Greener, Rt. Rev. Richard Allen, J.H. Rainey, E.D. Bassett, John Mercer Langston, P.B.S. Pinchback, and Henry Highland Garnet.
But this print is more than just a depiction of important historical men, it is also a testament to the resilience and determination of African Americans during a time when they were often marginalized and discriminated against. Despite facing obstacles and challenges, these men were able to achieve success and distinguish themselves in their fields.
Whether you're a fan of Victorian art, African American history, or just appreciate the refined style, the "Distinguished Colored Men" print is a must-have for any collection. The print's bold colors, striking composition, and attention to detail make it a true work of art. Find it available in three sizes, only from Majestic Prints.